Alrick Building, Classroom 10
Presenter: Dr Jeongjae Hwang
Affiliation: Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), South Korea
Title: Experimental Investigations into Efficient and Clean Gas Turbine Combustors
Fossil fuel energy is expected to remain as a significant portion of energy production in spite of growing needs of new & renewable energy. In accordance of reducing carbon emission for global climate change, many investigations are under way to use fossil fuels more efficient and clean manners. A gas turbine system is one of the most efficient ways to generate electricity from fossil fuels, thereby minimizing carbon emissions. As such, major gas turbine OEMs such as GE, Siemens, and Mitsubishi are investing on development of higher thermal efficiency and lower emission gas turbine systems. One of promising ways to increase thermal efficiency is to increase turbine inlet temperature (TIT). However, a conventional TIT mechanism leads to high emission of nitric-oxide which is detrimental to human health. In order to achieve high efficiency and low nitric-oxide emission, challenging investigations for advanced gas turbine system are under way.
Dr Jeongjae Hwang is a research associate at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), South Korea. He has built a research career around the developing high-efficiency and low-emission industrial combustors including gas turbine combustor. He received his PhD degree from the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea in 2014 and conducted post-doctoral researches at the Institute of Advanced Machines and Design in SNU, South Korea. Through his graduate and post-doctoral research, he has developed expertise in experimental investigations on turbulent flames, gas turbines, and combustion instabilities by using high fidelity laser diagnostics.