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The annual School of Engineering Postgraduate Research Conference took place this year on 24th April at the John McIntyre Conference Centre at Pollock Halls. Attended by over 140 students, staff and visitors, the conference gave an opportunity to current postgraduate research students to present their work and network with fellow researchers. Dr Konstantin Kamenev, Head of Graduate School, opened the proceedings and was followed by guest speaker Prof Win Rampen from Artemis who spoke on the topic of technology start-ups. Attendees also heard from Prof Steve McLaughlin who gave a talk about academic careers and from the new Head of School, Prof Hugh McCann, regarding high-speed imaging using chemical species tomography.
Second year PhD students exhibited their research thus far in the form of posters and gave short two minute talks, allowing them the chance to experience presenting at an academic conference and to receive some vital feedback from peers and tutors alike.
The day culminated in the poster prize giving ceremony, where two prizes were given for the Best Poster as judged by a team of academic members of staff, and for the Most Popular Poster, as voted for by those in attendance. This year's winners were:
- Siraj Sabihuddin from the Institute for Energy Systems (Academy Best Poster prize)
- Helen Cope from the Institute for Materials and Processes (Most Popular Poster prize)
Congratulations to both!