Rural and Remote Ubiquitous Broadband Wireless Access

This research network would bring together key research groups that are in the vanguard of developing novel technologies and algorithms for spectrally efficient generation wireless networks in the UK and India.

The researchers in the proposed groups in the UK and India have long-standing international reputation in the fields of digital signal processing and wireless communications. The specific groups involved in the UK are at University of Edinburgh and University of Oxford. All these universities are research intensive Russell Group universities.  The groups involved in India are at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, IIT Delhi and National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, which has outstanding international reputation in Electrical Engineering. Indian group also including Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Thriuvananthapuram, which is a GOVT research institute working on cognitive radio technology.

Principal Investigator: 

Research Institutes: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications

Research Themes: 

  • Communications

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 16:57