Reduce energy penalty in CO2 capture processes and the emission of SOx and NOx from coal combustion

The research focuses on develop a microwave swing technique to selectively heat solid at molecular level for adsorbent regeneration, and then compare the results with temperature swing. The project is supported by EPSRC.


The microwave system in my lab can measure the exact power consumption by the various material, not the output of power from a microwave oven. It is a good rig suitable for micrwave heating study.

CO2 capture with Microwave Regeneration
CO2 capture with Microwave Regeneration

Principal Investigator: 

Dr Xiangfeng Fan

Postgraduate Researchers: 

Research Associate, Dr Claudia Martin

Research Institutes: 

  • Materials and Processes

Research Themes: 

  • Carbon Capture and Separation Processes

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 16:49