IES Research Conference 2016


Hudson Beare Building, King's Buildings


Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 09:00 to 18:00

The Institute for Energy Systems Research Conference 2016 is taking place in the Hudson Beare Building, King's Buildings on Tuesday 6 December.

Throughout the day PhD students and Research Associates will be presenting on their work which covers a wide variety of topics including electrical machines, fluid dynamics, energy storage, policy and innovation, carbon capture storage, and combustion.

The talks are spread across four sessions with lunch provided at 12:30 and a networking event and wine reception starting at 17:00.

Additionally we have 4 guest speakers who will be presenting:

  • Mr. Hyunjoo Lee who is the head of Drivetrain research at ORE Catapult
  • Professor Stephen Salter presenting on the design of tidal stream turbines
  • Mr. Jeremy Thake of Atlantis Resources Limited presenting on tidal stream power development and on the MeyGen project
  • Professor Gareth Harrison presenting on Networks

We would like to invite you to what will be a very interesting day.

Further Information

IES Seminar Series - Supported by EngGradSoc
IES Research Conference 2016

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