Hudson Beare Building, Classroom 4
Presenter: Prof Markus Mueller
Title: C-GEN Project Neptune
The University of Edinburgh is being funded by Wave Energy Scotland (WES) as part of the Stage 3 PTO call to further develop and industrialise the C-GEN technology for wave energy. This builds upon a successful WES Stage 2 project in which the design of critical components for the marine environment were investigated, namely the bearings and electrical windings. Materials have been employed for these critical components which allow operation of the generator in a flooded environment, eliminating the need for expensive seals, but also improving survivability in the case of extreme or fault conditions. Results from Stage 2 showed that flooded electrical windings could withstand more than 5 times the current density of machines operated in a dry sealed environment. With these results we have designed a 150 kW C-GEN linear machine for operation at a peak velocity of 1 m/s. Using the inherent modularity of C-GEN the system consists of 4 separate machines, each of 37.5kW, and in order to test the machine, two of these machines will act as motors driving the other two acting as generators. The system design is complete, with the manufacturing design due to be completed in February 2018. Components will then be manufactured with testing due to commence in August/September 2018 in Leith Docks in Edinburgh.
The presentation will summarise the progress made in the WES Stage 3 project.
Further Information
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IES Seminar Team