online event
How to introduce automation in a project or an organization? What should you consider? In this session you will be exposed to real case examples when automation has been successfully implemented, and when instead if failed. Most of the time technology is not the only solution and you will learn how to consider the wider context to make the adoption of automation in construction successful.
Marzia works as Head of BIM International at Mace where she develops and implements digital construction solutions for public and private international clients in five international hubs. She holds a PhD in ICT and Smart Construction and she is passionate in filling the gap between industry and academia. She is glad to be a member of the BIMExcellence Initiative, Assistant Editor of the BIM Dictionary where she coordinates more than 120 volunteers worldwide, Ambassador of the UK BIMAlliance and Expert at the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) TC 442 where she chairs a Task Group on information requirements standardisation (Level of Information Need), an evolution from the concept of “LOD”. She is lead author of the Level of Information Need standard EN 17412-1, Chair of EC3 Modelling and Standards Committee, Honorary Lecturer at UCL The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction and Visiting Professor at Northumbria University. She is also founder of Italians in Digital Transformation Uk, she loves sharing her knowledge with students and she is often invited as keynote speaker at academic and industrial events. She received several awards for her activities including Young Engineer of the Year and the Sir George Macfarlane Medal as overall winner by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Emerging Professional of the Year, InspiringFifty 2021 and Woman of the Future in 2021.
Further information and registration
Event hosted by IAARC@Edinburgh.