Professor Henry F Jeffrey




+44(0)131 6505570


3.092 Faraday Building

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Energy Systems


Henry began his career in the energy business within the North Sea oil and gas industry and in 1998 he made the radical move into the emerging commercial marine renewables sector.

Academic Qualifications: 

  • 1994-1998 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering: 1st class Honours
  • 2004-2006 MBA Aberdeen Business School

Research Interests: 

Knowledge exchange activities

Henry has extensive energy sector experience accumulated over more than ten years working in marine renewable energy, both in academia and industry. He was a key member of the project team that installed the worlds first commercial, grid connected wave energy generator. In the ten years prior to that he gained extensive industrial training in the offshore engineering service sector that is key to his success to date. In his early days in academia he completed an MBA to support the economic and business direction of his career. He has extensive experience and demonstrable success in delivering project results. Between joining his Institute in 2005 and now he has: * Co-written the UK Energy Research Centre road map for marine energy that has been widely adopted by the sector across Europe, Canada and the USA. The roadmap is the widely cited as 'the most complete, detailed, and relevant information with respect to requirements for meeting the 2020 [renewable energy] target.' * Won funds to support, co-write and co coordinate the production of the DTI Tidal Current Energy: Device Performance Protocol, which now forms a contractual obligation on developers within the 50m pounds sterling UK Government Marine Renewables Development Fund; * Played a key role in securing 6.3m pounds sterling continuation funding for the EPSRC SuperGen Marine Energy consortium, and been instrumental in its engagement with the evolving sector; * Won, managed and delivered over 200k pounds sterling of Scottish Enterprise Proof of Concept projects. Henrys growing personal research portfolio in marine renewable energy has earned the Institute and him worldwide reputation and respect, as evidenced by the following high esteem roles and recognition: * The US Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) invited Henry to the US steering committee to design an approach for developing a vision, goal and objective for the American marine sector; * He is the international coordinator of the IEC Standard for Tidal Energy Device Performance. He was an invited expert member of the UK Ocean Energy Standards Working Group, and serves on the UK mirror committee feeding into International Technical Committee TC114 for Ocean Energy. * Henry successfully proposed and won funds to develop the International Energy Agency RETD work in marine energy * He is an expert reviewer for Scottish Enterprise for their calls in marine energy, and an expert member of the peer review panel for the Norwegian Marine Energy programme. * Henry has been twice invited by the New Zealand Energy Minister as one of two international expert members of the peer review panel for phases 1 and 2 of the New Zealand marine renewables deployment fund. He has won places on SDI and UK Renewables (DBERR) outward bound missions to represent the UK in New Zealand. * He has been twice invited by the US Department of Energy as one of three international merit reviewers.