Dr Chang Liu

Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering



+44(0)131 6502563


1.09 Alexander Graham Bell Building

Personal Page: 

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications

Research Theme: 

  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Tomography
  • Sensors


Dr Chang Liu received the B.Sc. degree in automation from Tianjin University, China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in testing, measurement technology and instrument in Beihang University, China, in 2016. From April 2016 to January 2018, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the department of air pollution and environmental technology, Empa-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (ETH Domain), Dübendorf, Switzerland. He is now a Senior Lecturer in the Agile Tomography Group at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh.

Dr Liu’s current research interests include laser spectroscopy, laser imaging, data-driven imaging techniques and their applications to reacting flow-fields diagnostics and environmental monitoring. His expertise is in design of near/mid infrared LAS sensing systems, and development of high-sensitivity and data-driven laser imaging methodologies. It covers fundamental spectroscopic modeling, inverse problem solving, machine learning, hardware acceleration, signal processing and embedded system. In collaboration with worldwide industrial and academic partners, Dr Liu and his team focus on providing cutting-edge laser-based sensing solutions for various challenging problems in both the industry and academia.

Academic Qualifications: 

  • 2016 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), School of Instrumentation and Opto-Electronic Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China.
  • 2010 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 

  • IEEE Senior Member


  • Digital System Design 4 (ELEE10007)
  • Analogue Circuits 3 (ELEE09026)
  • Digital System Design and Digital Systems Laboratory 3 (ELEE09035)
  • Digital System Design 2 (ELEE08015)

Research Interests: 

  • 2D/3D data-driven optical imaging
  • Laser sensing for combustion diagnosis and environmental monitoring
  • Inverse problem


  • Data-driven imaging towards high spatial/temporal resolution
  • Cutting-edge laser-based sensing solutions  
  • Sensor design for ultra-weak optical and electrical signals detection
  • Embedded system design and hardware/software interface

Further Information: