Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering Research Theme

Many areas in Kenya are dependent on boreholes for their water supplies. However, this water is often unfit for plants, animals and people when it is too rich in salts or if it contains an excess of natural contaminants that are damaging to health, like fluoride.

Homemade kenya project image

Closing Date: 

Monday, February 28, 2022

In the next decade, distributed sensor network systems made of insect-scale flying sensors will enable a step change in monitoring natural disasters and remote areas.

Full Job Title: 

Chair of Environmental Engineering and Head of Research Institute

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Infrastructure and Environment



+44(0)131 6507209

Prof. Lindsay Beevers joined the University of Edinburgh in January 2022 as the Chair in Environmental Engineering.


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