Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering Research Theme

The aim of this project is to develop manufacturing upcycling technologies to re-use prepreg scrap and determine the resultant mechanical properties. This project mitigates the environmental impact of conventional composite manufacturing processes reducing air emissions and energy consumption. It also contributes towards a sustainable economy reducing the waste disposal fees paid by commercial companies and recovering commercial value from the composite scrap. 

Research Themes: 

  • Structural Engineering
Manufacturing process of recycled composite laminates

REF eligible staff are invited to declare any circumstances that have impacted on their ability to research productively (e.g. extended periods of family-related leave, secondments or career breaks) during the REF 2021 assessment period.

REF2021 Research Excellence Framework logo

FASTBLADE is commencing construction - see our facility site here.

The Structural Composites Research Facility (SCRF) is funded by a strategic equipment grant (EP/P029922/1). The grant started on the 1st of June 2017 and is due to complete on the 30sh of November 2020. The SCRF is to be setup as a Small Research Facility (SRF) and has been given the name FASTBLADE.

FASTBLADE will offer a suite of experimental and testing services to meet every client’s needs. The team can offer bespoke solutions to match every user’s needs and are supported by the world renown expertise and knowledge within the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh.

Research Themes: 

  • Offshore Renewable Energy
  • Structural Engineering
  • Materials and Structures
  • Institute for Materials and Processes Themes


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