JPK NanoWizard 4XP
Our system consists of a JPK NanoWizard 4XP mounted on an inverted Zeiss Axio Observer optical microscope with fluorescence. The use of a motorized precision stage allows for easy sample navigation and precise positioning. When used in conjunction with DirectTiling, it can image large areas for feature identification and overlay.
The NanoWizard 4 XP is a flexible system that combines atomic resolution and fast scanning with rates of up to 150 lines/sec and a large scan range of 100µm.
Available modes:
- Contact Mode Imaging
- Tapping Mode Imaging
- PeakForce Tapping Imaging
- Quantitative Imaging
- Frequency Modulated Imaging
- Fast Scan Imaging
- Force Spectroscopy
- Force Mapping
- Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy
- MicroRheology
CellHesion 200 AFM
A separate JPK CellHesion 200 AFM head is available for measuring cell-cell, cell-substrate and colloid-surface interactions. This system gives an extended z-length of 100µm, particularly suited to investigate cellular adhesion dynamics including maximum cell adhesion force, unbinding events and tether characteristics.
Accessory Modules
- PetriDish Heater
- Allows temperature range between RT and 60oC for liquid experiments.
- Ports for perfusion tubes.
- Heating Cooling Module
- Temperature range between -30 to 120oC in air.
- Temperature range of 0-80oC in liquid.
- Coverslip holder
- Closed liquid cell with coverslip bottom.
- Allows for small volume experiments and optical clarity for fluorescent imaging.
- Cytosurge FluidFM
- Hollow AFM probes with the ability to handle femtoliter liquid volumes.
- Micropipette – single cell and colloidal spectroscopy.
- Nanosyringe – single-cell injection/extraction.
- Nanopipette – Bacteria adhesion/nanoprinting.
Services Offered
- Access and Training for the AFM
- Sample Measurement
- Experimental setup consultation
- Data Analysis Support
Contact Name:
Dr Laura Charlton
Contact Email:
Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions
University of Edinburgh
Erskine Williamson Building
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
King's Buildings
United Kingdom